Call for applications: Food and agriculture reporting grants

Food is a vital sector for our wellbeing. But its production, from planting to consumption, is increasingly becoming vulnerable to climate-related disruptions globally. Shifting rainfall patterns and high temperatures, among other forms of climate shocks, are severely battering communities, especially those with little resources to adapt. Yet a range of innovations in our food systems could help lessen or mitigate this, including adopting better eco-friendly farming practices to adapt to the warming world.

It is against this background that the Northern Uganda Media Club (NUMEC), with support from the 11th Hour Project, invites journalists in northern Uganda to submit story pitches on either food or agriculture and how they relate to climate change or the environment. The proposals can focus on any of the following elements or areas related to it:

  • Agroecology and other forms of eco-farming practices
  • Malnutrition and hunger
  • Food sustainability
  • Food/ agriculture and clean energy
  • Food/ agriculture and environment
  • Agriculture and technology
  • Food and climate migration
  • Agriculture and wildlife (protected areas)
  • Food and Health
  • Food waste
  • Food sovereignty, seed rights or other agricultural policies
  • Food and climate justice.

Who is eligible?

  • We want to support journalists working on new ideas that promote public-interest journalism, particularly in northern Uganda.
  • We are also interested in stories – supported with data – that can improve public dialogue and civic participation in rural communities.
  • Underreported stories are also encouraged.

Stories can be told in any journalistic format as long as they meet the standard criteria. These can be investigative series, long forms, explanatory (explainers) reporting, photo essays, features (online print, radio, and TV), podcasts, multimedia, interactive/data visualisation, data-enhanced or driven stories, and mobile journalism (mojo), among others.

Selection Criteria

  1. An individual is based in Northern Uganda.
  2. Stories covering Acholi, Lango & West Nile sub-regions.
  3. Unique idea, building on a thorough understanding of the local/regional landscape.
  4. Solutions-based reporting is an added advantage.

How to Apply
Applicants must pitch us a one-page idea answering these questions:

  1. What is your story idea?
  2. Why should we care about the story – and why now?
  3. What preliminary research have you done so far? What data will you include?
  4. What sources will you talk to during reporting?
  5. What is your story plan (timeline of expected completion)?

The application is open to print, broadcast, and online media and MUST be accompanied by a letter of support from your editor and a clear and detailed budget. Interested applicants must submit their application to NUMEC by email to, copying

DEADLINE is February 10, 2025. Only successful applicants will be contacted.

The Northern Uganda Media Club (NUMEC) is an independent, non-partisan media development organization based in Gulu, northern Uganda. NUMEC’s mission is to integrate media and communications into the strategic objectives of actors in the region within the context of development. With support from the American Jewish World Service and the 11th Hour Project, NUMEC will award 10 reporting grants to journalists working in northern Uganda to report on energy, climate change, environment, and biodiversity.