Our History

Formed in 1993 by journalists and media personalities working in the over 20-year conflict affected
Northern Uganda and previously known as Gulu Press Club, the Northern Uganda Media Club (NUMEC)
is an independent and non-partisan media organization that attained its formal registration in 2009 as a
non-profit. The club brings together journalists and media practitioners in Northern Uganda with the aim
to strengthen the capacity of journalists to enable them to carry out research, communicate and report

More recently, NUMEC has ventured into new turf, using its latest grant funding from UNESCO to start
the training of journalists in the region on new media tools and convergence and collaborative journalism. NUMEC supports journalists, especially in environmental reporting with grants, mentorship, and training to boost their capacity in research and reporting in this area. This is intended to not only bridge the knowledge gap of the populace but as well attract the attention of and advocate to the authorities on this matter.

Currently, NUMEC is focusing more on technical aspects of its operations to improve sustainability;
developing a strategic plan, improving the administrative structure to have a robust board of directors,
improving accountability mechanisms, improving the organization’s project planning, implementation
and documentation, as well as donor relations, and growing its social media footprint.